About Craftsbury Mental Health Resource Group

Mission Statement:

In the fall of 2017, the Craftsbury community was shocked by the suicide of one of its young citizens. In response, a group of concerned community members came together as the Craftsbury Mental Health Resource Group.


  • provide hope for persons and families struggling with mental health issues

  • increase access to mental health resources

  • increase support for those navigating mental health resources

  • decrease the stigma surrounding mental health issues in our community.

We will do this by:

  • providing information on mental health issues and resources to the Craftsbury community

  • recruiting and training local folks to be companions of support for those who seek help through the mental health system, helping to navigate through that system

  • seeking opportunities for and speaking openly about mental illness and mental well-being

  • advocating for improvement of mental health resources in our community and our state

  • encouraging others toward this same mission in other parts of the Northeast Kingdom, and all of Vermont.

                                                                          approved June 18, 2018

Craftsbury Public Library, has a variety of books available to borrow about mental health. Click here for a synopsis of the books.  Thanks to our Librarian Susan to help organize that.

Do you have an suggestions?  Would you like to participate in our group?  Do you need some one to just talk with?  

Below are some on our committee from Craftsbury area (with email) we encourage you to contact:

Gwendolyn Bueckendorf <glbueckendorf@gmail.com>
Norm Hanson <nphans@aol.com>
Susan Houston <mapleleafllamas@yahoo.com>
Kim Larose <mamaof3.larose@gmail.com>
Lisa-Anne Loucka <la.loucka@gmail.com>
Sharon Moffatt <ssmoffatt@hotmail.com>
Monique Reil <MoniqueR@lamoille.org>
Michelle Warren <warrensvt@gmail.com>